HollowDB Prover
Utility package to generate proofs for HollowDB.
To ease proof generation, we provide a prover utility for the circuit used by HollowDB.
To generate proofs, you will need the zero-knowledge circuit WASM file, and a prover key. Both can be found within the repo, see here. Notice that there are separate files for each protocol, Groth16 and PLONK respectively.
To create the prover:
Let us explain the constructor arguments in order:
is the relative path to the circuit WASM file. In a web application, this file can be stored underpublic
is the relative path to the WASM circuit. In a web application, this file can be stored underpublic
is the proof system to be used, that is eithergroth16
. HollowDB supports both proof systems, and the verifier can determine which one to use by looking at the verification key.
To generate a proof, simply call prove
function of the newly created prover
The proof object here shall be provided to HollowDB contract, where it will be checked to verify. Note that public signals are also exported, although we do not use them; the contract obtains them in it's own ways.
The value inputs are "hashed-to-group" and then fed into the circuit. See the Hash-to-Groupsection below for more information.
For the curious, the public signals is a triple with the following elements in order:
Current value hash
Next value hash
Key, equal to Poseidon hash of the preimage
Prove with Hashes
The prove
function takes as input two objects, and it converts them to be circuit-friendly inputs within the function. If you would like to re-use these hashes, or you simply have access to them, you can generate a proof from them too:
Proving In NextJS
Note that to use SnarkJS in a NextJS environment you may need to configure some settings w.r.t server-side rendering. We suggest adding the following Webpack option to your NextJS config:
You might also have to make some configurations in other frameworks if you have server-side rendering enabled.
Computing the Key without Proofs
When HollowDB is used with proofs in particular, the key
is computed by taking the Poseidon hash of some secret preimage. The key can be extracted from the publicSignals
which is in the object that is returned from the prove
However, if one wants to compute the key
without creating a proof (e.g. the user just wants to get a value at their own key) they can do so with computeKey
To "embed" the current value and next value within our proofs, we need to map them to a number. This number must be circuit-friendly (to be more technical, it must be within the scalar field of the curve used in our circuit, which is alt_bn128
We provide a hashToGroup
function for this purpose:
Note that the output of this function is a bigint
, not a string! To store it as a string, you may use toString
method of the BigInt, with an optional radix. We suggest storing these as hexadecimal strings with 0x
prefix, which allows them to be converted to BigInt easily.
Last updated