Quick Start

Get ready to set some keys on Permaweb!

Let's quickly demonstrate with a NodeJS project to see HollowDB in action.


Open up your favorite terminal and/or IDE and create a new directory for our fresh project:

mkdir hollowdb-example
cd hollowdb-example

Install HollowDB & Warp Contracts packages:

yarn add hollowdb warp-contracts

Finally, create yourself an Arweave wallet at https://arweave.app/ or use an existing one if you have. Download your wallet (which will be a JSON file) and put it as wallet.json in the current directory.

Create a new file called index.js. Prepare the code as follows:

const { SDK } = require("hollowdb");
const { WarpFactory } = require("warp-contracts");
const fs = require("fs");
async function main() {
  // we will write our code here...


Instantiating HollowDB

To instantiate HollowDB SDK, we need to provide a signer object (that will be our wallet), a Warp instance and a contract transaction id to specify which smart contract we are connecting to. Let's do just that!

Write the following code within your main function:

// read your wallet
const wallet = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./wallet.json").toString());

// use an existing contract
// to deploy your own, read "Contract Operations" section :)
const contractTxId = "_eVfQYDOLpd-0QX0yt7RV2CXE5D9U0otCz9BNBiJMYY";

// we will use Mainnet
const warp = WarpFactory.forMainnet();
// create the SDK!
const sdk = new SDK(wallet, contractTxId, warp);

Generating proofs & computing the key

The contract we are connecting to in this example uses zero-knowledge proofs to update keys. So, we can very much get a value at some key, or put a new key-value pair; but when it comes to updating them we will need to generate proofs!

We can use HollowDB Prover for this:

const { Prover, computeKey } = require("hollowdb-prover");

Getting & Setting keys

It's time to put everything to use! Here is what we will do:

  • define a secret that is related to our key

  • put some value to that key

  • update that value using a zero-knowledge proof

First, we will define our secret, which can be anything that you'd like. We can say secret=2023 for this example; although, if you really care about the secret staying that way, you should make a longer secret :)

Let's go back to writing code within our main function:

const secret = BigInt("0xDEADBEEF"); // or something that only YOU know :)
const key = computeKey(secret);
console.log("Key:", key);

We have created our key just like that. Everyone expect you will see that huge number, but only you know that the key was created with the number 2023.

Let's put the string "hello world" to this key.

// put a value
await sdk.put(key, "hello world");
// get that value
console.log(await sdk.get(key));

As simple as that. Now, let's update our value at this key to "bye bye world". To do that, we will need to create a zero-knowledge proof that we know the secret (that is 2023) which belongs to this key. We have written the Prover utility just for that!

To create the prover object, we need two things:

Download these files and add them to the project directory. Then, create the prover as follows:

const prover = new Prover("./hollow-authz.wasm", "./prover_key.zkey", "groth16");

To generate the proof, we provide our secret, along with the current value & next value:

const { proof } = await prover.prove(secret, "hello world", "seeya world");

We can now update our value using the SDK.

// update value
await sdk.update(key, "bye bye world", proof);
// get the new value
console.log(await sdk.get(key));

That is it! Our final index.js looks like the following:

const { SDK } = require("hollowdb");
const { WarpFactory } = require("warp-contracts");
const { Prover, computeKey } = require("hollowdb-prover");
const fs = require("fs");

async function main() {
  // read your wallet
  const wallet = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./wallet.json").toString());

  // use an existing contract
  // to deploy your own, read "Contract Operations" section :)
  const contractTxId = "_eVfQYDOLpd-0QX0yt7RV2CXE5D9U0otCz9BNBiJMYY";

  // we will use Mainnet
  const warp = WarpFactory.forMainnet();

  // create the SDK!
  const sdk = new SDK(wallet, contractTxId, warp);

  const secret = BigInt(2023);
  const key = computeKey(secret);
  console.log("Key:", key);

  console.log("Putting a value...");
  // put a value
  await sdk.put(key, "hello world");
  // get that value
  console.log(await sdk.get(key));

  console.log("Generating a proof for update...");
  // create the prover
  const prover = new Prover("./hollow-authz.wasm", "./prover_key.zkey", "groth16");
  // generate proof
  const { proof } = await prover.prove(secret, "hello world", "seeya world");

  console.log("Updating the value...");
  // update value
  await sdk.update(key, "bye bye world", proof);
  // get the new value
  console.log(await sdk.get(key));


You can check out the contract we are using at SonAR, where you will also be able to see your transactions.

Further reading

To learn more about using HollowDB, continue with the usage section:

To learn more about zero-knowledge proofs & the zk-circuit used in HollowDB, check out the background section:

Or, you can directly jump to application use-cases:

Last updated